Telemedicine appointments management system

The fully automated business system providing 24/7 access to telemedicine services offered by UK-certified general practitioners and clinicians




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About a Project

Our customer is a UK-based provider of healthcare consultations from National Health Service-trained general practitioners and clinicians, registered by the General Medical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council, Care Quality Commissions. Our client needed a turnkey system to automate the business process and master the telemedicine niche.

Goals set to Cleveroad

Create a solution for providing and receiving healthcare services online, including telemedicine consultations

Design a system that can be easily submitted for certification by the UK local authorities

Provide an appointments’ management convenient for all parties: Patients, Doctors, and system’s Admins

Solutions we've delivered

Development of the turnkey system ready to use by the Provider and its Patients. The flexible solution can be scaled and customized for new goals and users

Creation of the system’s architecture and functionality considering the requirements of GDPR and UK healthcare regulators such as CQC and MHRA

Building of the SaaS allowing 24/7 online access to general practitioners and clinicians, video and audio consultations, and easy appointment booking

Results for the Customer

The tapGP platform that matches the Provider's business model and allows the customer to receive income from a telemedicine source

The platform is compliant with the UK healthcare regulation, data processing requirements and can be certified by local authorities in the shortest time

A completely ready-to-use platform that considers pains, gains, and goals of the patients and healthcare providers acting within the same system


Business Challenges

Our customer, tapGP, provides patients with access to services of National Health Service-trained general practitioners and clinicians registered by the General Medical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council, and Care Quality Commissions (CQC). Our customer wanted to master online services and needed:

A telemedicine solution providing healthcare service for patients via online appointments with UK-certified general practitioners and clinicians

The software system compliant with GDPR, the UK KYC policies, and core healthcare regulations (namely MHRA and CQC)

A convenient online environment to automate business processes, reduce time/workforce cost, and provide intuitive functionality for all system users (patients, doctors, and system’s admins)


Product in Details

We’ve made the SaaS platform from scratch and became a long-term technical partner for the customer

Business Architecture

  • We’ve provided the client with our team. It consisted of a project manager, business analyst, UI/UX designer, team leads, developers, QA and DevOps engineers, and solution architect. It allowed us to cover all processes of development, accelerate it, and optimize the client's costs.
  • We have designed the tapGP system’s business architecture that includes the functionality and users’ activities related to administration of the whole ecosystem, doctors’ activities for online consultations, and patients’ activities for receiving online healthcare services.
  • Our team has made the architecture fully relevant to the customer's business model and compliance requirements. The chosen solutions and tools allowed us to ensure the required security level and protection of patients’ personal medical data.
View in detail

Compliance with The UK Legislation

  • The SaaS healthcare platform was developed according to Care Quality Commission requirements. The independent regulatory authority sets out the rules for providing health and social care services in England. Compliance with the requirements allows the provider to pass the necessary medical certification in the UK.
  • To meet GDPR requirements for personal data usage and differentiation, we’ve provided role-based access control (RBAC) to the system for Admins, Doctors, and Patients roles. Referral letters and sick notes are sent straight to patients’ emails. Authorized users have full 24/7 access to medical records via the app (according to their roles).
  • We have provided the ability to issue free prescription letters for medicines directly in the application and send them to pharmacies. All relevant procedures and documentation are created considering requirements of the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) that controls such activities in the UK.

Business Processes Automation

  • So that patients can receive professional medical advice at any time, we have provided online access to general practitioners and clinicians with the ability to make same-day appointments (usually within hours). Quick appointment booking allows users to get immediate help in a large variety of treatments.
  • Quick applying for telemedicine services allows patients to make video and audio appointments in minutes. Registered patients can also add family members to an account, so they receive care simultaneously. The transparent booking business process supports and enlarges the value of same-day appointments.
  • As part of the end-to-end automation of the customer's business process, we have implemented system features to cover healthcare-related services. They include e-prescriptions, referrals, sick notes, online sessions, and Doctors' and Patients' management by the administration.

Product Essentials

Core modules and functionality peculiarities, revealing the solution’s essence
Patient profile

Patients' management includes detailed and secured Patients information availability: profile with name, address, contact information. In addition to account data, it contains detailed info of ID documents verification status, etc. The system also tracks appointment history so that users can review it.

Appointments management

The Admins configure Sessions, which are the slots available for Appointments Booking. When the Patients book an Appointment for chosen Clinicians or Doctors, it becomes available on the Dashboard.

TapGP administration can view details of each Appointment and create them directly from the Dashboard. In addition to primary patient information and problem description, the solution allows attaching illustrative photos for the appointment reason.

This solution also allows managing cases with Appointments that are booked for children. It includes adding parent information and IDs.

Patient KYC procedures

During the registration, the Patient uploads identification documents and takes a selfie. The Admin verifies this data by comparing selfies and photos in documents. We have provided the selfie comparison mode on the system's administrative side to make the confirmation process simple and fast without security loss. This user-friendly feature facilitates the verification process and documents uploading.

Booking Flow Solution

The whole business model of the online clinic and the primary activities of the Patients, Clinicians, and Doctors are actually based on the Sessions and Appointments. So that’s why we have paid particular attention to designing an intuitive and user-friendly booking system.

After the session is successfully configured on the administration side, Patients can quickly book appointments starting from choosing the type of specialist and ending by Appointment Confirmation & Payment.

Online sessions: video call

As a logical continuation of Appointments booking, clinicians can provide their patients' services online with voice and video calls. Again, integration with the 3rd party service (Twilio) enabled their high-quality processing.

Online session time is counted automatically to optimize the time management for the services provided. When a call is over, the participants can give feedback on the connection quality and issues (if any).

The same online-meeting functionality is available to Patients on their mobile application, with adapted UX and UI, and considering the online healthcare services peculiarities for the patient-side.


Technology stack

Tools and solutions are selected and used, considering the requirements of the customer and the UK healthcare industry

Web Architecture



Mobile Architecture

Cross–platform (iOS and Android)

External integrations

Document storage

Results Obtained

On the project, we’ve passed through the steps from the delivery to release and support, achieving all goals set:

We've created a ready-to-use tapGP platform that matches the business model of customer and UK-based telemedicine providers in a whole. The system is designed according to Care Quality Commission requirements, compliant with the UK healthcare regulations and KYC policies, and allows to submit for legal assessment

We ensured a high level of development: more than 95% of the functionality was created without bugs, the other 5% were minor and quickly fixed. The project management covered teams’ control, communication process, and operative planning. This approach allowed our customer to quickly master the value stream from the telemedicine services

The system's flexibility, thoughtful architecture, and business processes automation allowed the customer to decrease manual operations, improve performance discipline, and reduce paperwork by 5-20%. As a technical partner, we are currently collaborating with tapGP on features' adding, improvement, and maintenance

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