10 Top Android Frameworks That Let Us Increase App Performance And Reliability
Updated 06 Sep 2023
7 Min
When you do something, no matter what field you are working in, you should always do your best. Our programmers strictly follow this principle. They create new software with a clever approach to each app and special tools help them manage their job. And today we would like to draw your attention to one category of these tools for mobile app development services called frameworks.
Lets figure out what Android frameworks are gaining popularity and what capabilities they can boast about.
Most popular Android frameworks
What is Android framework? The main goal of the framework is to increase performance, and consequently, it can help developers create the app much faster. Thus, developers can focus on really important issues during the development process. So lets check all popular Android frameworks.
Basic4Android (B4A)
Developed by Anywhere Software company, Basic4Android framework provides developers with rapid app development and it's own IDE. The development is performed in a simple programming language that is similar to Visual Basic. In fact, it is a modified VB language emulator that makes it possible to create native Android apps.
See hot Android app development trends for 2024. Read 5 hot Android development trends for 2024
Games, GPS, navigation, contacts, SMS, HTTP, widgets - everything listed can be managed with Basic4Android. This framework gives you real code, and real APK files without integrated interpreters.
It is not free, it's cost is $59 per month.

Basic4Android framework works in it's own IDE
Advantages of using it:
- It includes all tools required for the development of full-fledged apps;
- Compiled apps are turned into native ones;
- More than just simple;
- A large community that includes about 100,000 developers.
Retrofit 2
This native Android framework makes it possible to work with API in client-server apps. It can work in asynchronous mode so it prevents developers from writing extra code.

Retrofit2 works with APIs
Advantages of using it:
- Developers don't need to make requests to API in an individual stream in code - Retrofit does it;
- It substantially shortens codes length and it accelerates the development;
- It builds requests dynamically;
- It converts JSON files to objects;
- The framework is processing errors.
Android Data Binding
What is data binding? This process that quickly connects user interface and business logic. And Android Data Binding framework helps shorten your binding code and minimize it as much as possible. It processes layout files during compiling process.
Advantages of using it:
- Due to code shortening, any bug can be detected easily and quickly;
- Developers can build cool and attractive UI very fast;
- It removes boilerplates and allows developers to write cleaner code.
Dagger 2
This interesting Google Android framework helps developers implement Dependency injection pattern that is a specific form of Inversion of control. Simply put, it minifies dependencies between objects, makes easy-to-read code, and simplifies testing process.
Advantages of using it:
- Simple access to shared implementations;
- Simple customization of complicated dependencies;
- Control of all dependencies easily;
- Easier unit testing;
- Small size.

Dagger2 - a sharp tool for DI implementation
Payment frameworks for Android
Here we pay some attention to a couple of frameworks that make it possible to integrate payment system in your Android app. Check it out!
This framework provides developers with the capability to integrate popular payment systems like Android Pay, Masterpass, Venmo, and even Bitcoin payments. Braintree framework provides developers with a secure sandbox functionality testing.

Braintree framework for payment integration
Advantages of using it:
- Highly secure;
- Easy-to-use Braintree Android SDK;
- It can be used in various apps for making payments.
As for this payment framework, it substantially simplifies the development process as developers don't need to send card data outright to their server. Framework sends data to Stripe servers where they can be converted to tokens afterward. Android app receives it's token and sends it to it's server to process the payment. Stripe Android SDK contains full toolkit including framework.

Stripe framework to process in-app payments
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Advantages of using it:
- Easier integration;
- Highly secure;
- Lower transaction commission comparing to Braintree;
- Sign-up process requires minimum information from the merchant.
Open source Android frameworks
Now, apart from popular Android frameworks mentioned above, we consider it necessary to tell you about Android open source frameworks for Android that can be helpful and advantageous as well.
It is a declarative framework created by Facebook that is used for building an efficient UI for Android platform. It is an open source product and it's source code is available on GitHub. Litho applies declarative API to delineate UI components. The asynchronous layout makes scrolling quick and reduces lagging down to zero.
Advantages of using it:
- High-quality performance;
- Your code remains easy-to-read;
- Smooth scrolling of pages;
- Open source code.
Realm framework is written in C++ and it is launched directly on the device without interpretation, and it provides a very high performance. Realm is a very quick and easy-to-use framework. You will need a couple of code strings for task implementation regardless of whether it reads or writes it down in database.
Advantages of using it:
- Easy to install;
- Quick;
- Scalable;
- Reliable;
- It's free;
- Open-source.

Realm framework - open-source solution
ReactiveX is a powerful tool that allows programmers to solve problems in a graceful declarative style that is inherent to functional programming. It has Observer patterns and iterator patterns that help build good software with front-end and back-end parts. This framework is available for many platforms and considered to be one of the best open source framework for Android.
Advantages of using it:
- Easy-to-understand;
- Extensive;
- Declarative;
- Transformable.

ReactiveX solution for Android
Butter Knife
This native Android app development framework will help you avoid codes of the same type in View elements using Data binding feature.
Advantages of using it:
- It simplifies the code for Views initialization in Activity, Fragment, Dialog etc.;
- It initializes resources in Drawable, Values folders and others.

Butter Knife works with ViewElements
Why do our developers use Android frameworks?
We showed you the most popular frameworks in the world, and our Android developers are also using them in different projects. But why do they need frameworks?
Of course, first, they can speed up development and make the development process comfortable with the framework. In turn, customers can save on the app development due to it. Working time optimization, writing of clean code - the list is still not full. Using framework, programmers don't need to break their heads, since framework will assist them in some tasks implementation.
Check out how to transform website to Android app. Read How to convert a website to Android app: pitfalls to avoid.
We are not magicians, but we don't create borders and obstacles, we prefer to bypass them. And we try to turn any product into reality regardless of how complicated it is. So if you are hesitating concerning the impossibility of implementation of your software, you should contact us. We are sure that our Android development company will find an option for you.
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Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics
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