Case Study: How We Created A Cutting-Edge Event Planning App

Updated 08 Nov 2022

6 Min




Working 24/7 contradicts human nature. Sometimes even our team needs some free time to find new sources of inspiration. Each of us prefers spending his or her time as he or she considers it necessary. Watching films or go hiking in the mountains? It is a matter of taste! And it seems like one of our clients has already chose how he needed to spend his free time.

Our company has just finished developing one interesting app for fans of an active social life. Since this mobile app started gaining popularity very quickly, you may find it interesting to learn the mobile application development services nuances.

Event planning apps - What are they?

We are all looking for interesting events in a different way. We can come across them accidentally or look for them intentionally. When you think about how to spend the evening, you surf the Web to find info about concerts and exhibitions, look at street posters, or ask your friends.

See what you need to create an event app? Read How to create an event app

But social media still remains the main source of information. Thousands of events and parties are held every month, so sometimes it is rather difficult for users to screen out something really worthwhile. That is where event planning apps come to save the situation. They can help you choose the event you like and find companions to have some fun.

Event planning app definition

The example of an event planning app

That is what we developed - a new app to answer your questions 'what should I do tonight?' and 'where should I go?'. But this app became more interesting than many of it's existing competitors. Why? You will find out it soon.

The story of Bizi Today app development

One day entrepreneur from Israel contacted us to discuss the development process of a new app. He was really interested in the development of an event planning app. He said he needed an iOS app for event planning. It should gather all interesting events from social media and display them in the app. We like interesting projects, so we started developing it with an enthusiasm.

Basic Estimation

Estimation was the first stage of the whole development process. We did a preliminary estimation considering possible features that the app will contain. As usual, such procedures can take up to 1-2 days but we did everything within 1 day. Then the estimation result was sent to the customer. In 3 days we received his approval. He indicated that we could keep on working.

Documentation drafting

The next stage of the product development was documentation drafting. First of all, we made a detailed software requirement specification. What is it?

In fact, it is a document that contains a complete and detailed description of the product development. And since we need to a get feedback from the customer, it should be drafted in a user-friendly way. The specification consists of three main items:

  • User story. It is a manual for optimizing and promoting software. It described what the app should implement and what features it will have. Thus, it makes it possible to evaluate the future perspectives of the product.
  • Technical requirements. Requirements covering expected functionality of the system and determine actions that software must perform. All attributes and properties of a future product are described in this document.
  • Wireframes. Building a design skeleton of your app. Wireframes make it possible to change something in the initial stage.

Considering all the above, we drew up have drawn up a correct estimate and recommended that our customer choose a fixed price contract. After signing this document, the development process began.

Bizi Today app's capabilities

Now it is time to describe the app itself. It can boast about having many interesting features attractive to all fans leading an active social life. Let's start from the beginning!

Social sign-in

We understood that this feature is widely spread, but in our case, it was necessary as well. Today many people have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. accounts so it is much more convenient for users to sign in with other Web resources via social media. This way, they will not have to spend much time on registration.

Learn how to create social media app. Read A guide to social media app development

Automated search for nearby events

When you log in via Facebook, you can make your geolocation available for the app. Then the app can sort events and offer you everything that is going on around you within a 20 km radius. But if you don't want to show your location, you can sort events on your own.

Sort types and categories of events

It is possible to sort events by dates and categories to choose the event you like. Then users can add a specific event to the Favourites and share it on social media. You can sign in or sign out of an event if you changed your mind. It will soon be removed from your calendar.

Push notifications

If you planned to visit a rock concert or go to the zoo but already forgot about this event, a reminder will pop up via push notifications. So Bizi Today guarantees that you won't forget about all the upcoming entertainments!

Detailed event info

When you found a specific video, you can open it and see the full information - time and place - with an integrated map and the event location indicated on it.

Event location is displayed in the app

Detailed map of the event in the app

Language change

The app was developed directly for Israeli users. Although it is not only available in Hebrew but also in English for users' convenience and comfort.

Backstage of the project

Now we would like to show you the tools our developers used to create Bizi Today app. Since it was developed for iOS platform, two teams worked on it - a web development team for back-end/front-end building and an iOS developer for the development of the iOS app.

  • Node.js: a programming platform and runtime environment for the implementation of JavaScript code.
  • Express.js: web application framework for Node.js.
  • HTML5, CSS, JavaScript: languages for front-end web development.
  • Angular.js: front-end framework used for the development of the admin panel.
  • MySQL Database: database used for this project.
  • ReDIS (Remote DIctionary Server): non-relational high-performance database management system for all data storage.
  • AWS (Amazon Web Services): the infrastructure of cloud-based web services for data storage.
  • Objective-C: Programming language for building apps in iOS platform.

Project handover

That's what Bizi Today app can do. The development process took almost 3 months and our work was rewarded. The customer was completely pleased with the app! Even today, we keep on maintaining the app to add something new or make changes on his demand.

Catch on how we overcome main risks. Read How we deal with common risks during your project's development

During the development process, every 2 weeks we sent the app to our customer in order to get feedback from him regarding the quality of the app. When we develop an app, we always follow clients' requirements. It is our business model and we stick to it!

We always stand up to difficulties since we know that we will manage to perform the task, whatever the cost. Hard work and pconstant learning is our motto! Drop us a line and share your project details with us and let us find the solution. Also, subscribe to our blog to read interesting articles.

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How to promote apps with a landing page?

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About author

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics

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