10 Reasons Why You Should Have Started Using Telegram For Business Yesterday
Updated 22 Mar 2023
11 Min
Business always needs to look forward and search for new opportunities. Mobile obsession is a nice chance to provide your customers with a better quality of user experience and customer support. Social media has become a more and more popular tool for this purpose, however, it is not always handy and the rivalry is pretty high here. Messengers are a great alternative. We have chosen Telegram messenger app as one of the best platforms to advance your business. And this article explains why. Here you'll find strong reasons why the app Telegram is a vital component of your business strategy, how you can benefit from it and how Telegram differs from the other messengers.
Have no time to read the full article? Then discover all the benefits Telegram can bring to your business from our video!
Telegram for Business: 10 Reasons You Need It
10 reasons why Telegram is the best opportunity to boost your business
Let us start with the benefits which are pretty real and can dramatically change the way you run your business. Here are the top 10 reasons why you want Telegram application for your business:

Advantages of Telegram business
It's free
No matter how many messages you send a day, it will cost you nothing. There are no limits and it's a huge plus of Telegram comparing to other messengers. More than that, text, image, video and audio formats are available here. Which means your imagination isn't restricted with any boundaries and your marketing plan may include those materials you think are the most appropriate to promote your company, whether it's a song, video presentation or a logo-image.
Group segmentation
If you work (and you probably do) with different groups of items or customers, group segmentation allows you to save time on mailouts. No need to choose customers manually, no need to write long texts with notes "only for premium customers" or something. Sort prospects according to their interests, age, regions or income level and Telegram service will send messages to particular groups without delays.
User engagement
Encourage users to take part in your brand promotion. Ask them to take selfies in your cafe, near your shop or with your goods, post photos on social networks and send them back to you for a reward. It's almost free advertising, that works just like the radio. Customers like such campaigns because they're fun, easy to do and they get a prize in the end. Yet, before starting your promotional action ponder who your target audience and customers are. Are they Telegram users? If they are middle-aged office workers, I doubt they will be interested in your offer.
Customer support 24/7
Users, especially modern ones, tend more to text instead of to make phone calls. It takes less time and all needed information is saved in the history, so a user doesn't need to phone once more if he forgets something. Having this information, the operator doesn't have to ask the same questions, which improves the individual approach to each client.
Telegram business is no need to pay for banners, no need to spend thousands of dollars on broadcast time on TV to inform customers of a discount or new goods in your shop. All you need to do is to send one message to all your customers with one click and for free. Telegram is the quickest and the shortest way to reach your clients wherever they are.
Immediate feedback from users
The same way as you can reach your customers, the same tool can be used to reach you. This feature gives precious data to help you advance your Telegram business model. If you need to get feedback about a new service or goods all you need to do is to ask your customer. Phone calls are expensive and they irritate people if you call at an inconvenient for them time. Mail is almost always ignored. While messages are a perfect way out. Moreover, with this option, you can easily conduct a survey asking people about the changes they would appreciate.
How safe is Telegram? Security is something the Telegram team is proud of. They claim that there's no way to crack it. And they even challenge people to do it. Telegram offers $300,000 to any person who can crack the system. Yet, no one has succeeded. That means that you can be sure that the internal information which your employees use is safe and won't be stolen.
Want the best data protection for your project? Then read our article and choose the best approach and technology!
Now, Telegram covers almost all known platforms, which means that you can find Telegram for Android, iPhone, iPad and Windows Phone, a web version and even desktop applications for Windows, MacOS and Linux. You don't have to worry that a part of your customers can't get your messages. If you want to use this platform to communicate with your employees all they have to do is download the app.
Telegram stickers
This feature can also be used as a business Telegram channel. You can use your company's logo to create funny stickers and present them to your users. If they are nice enough customers will send them to their friends, which is also a nice advertisement for your brand.
Money transfers
This feature works only in Russia and Brazil, but we believe that soon the option will be available to anyone anywhere. The point is that you can transfer money via the system as safe as in any bank. Which opens an opportunity for retail business inside the messenger.
Why Telegram stands out from the others?
There are lots of similar messaging platforms that have almost the same functionality set. However, there are some peculiarities of Telegram that stand it out from the others.

Telegram's distinguishes
Secret Chat
Telegram secret chat is an exclusive feature that empowers a chat based on end-to-end-encryption for highly-secure conversations. The process is performed with the help of double-layered encryption. It means that the server side is excluded from the chain. Messages are transferred in a client-client layer. The correspondence history is kept on a device's memory and not on the serves, so when one user deletes a message on his device it disappears on the other as well.
Telegram self destruct messages
Is another Telegram security feature. A user sets a period of time after which the message disappears, so when a recipient gets and reads a message, it vanishes. The feature can be useful if some documentation or secret internal information is being sent.
Cloud storage
No one wants to buy tonnes of hardware to keep information there. Firstly, it's way too expensive. Secondly, it occupies too much space and requires lots of technical support. The best solution is to rely on cloud storage, which is cheaper in maintenance and much safer. Telegram saves all your messaging history on their Telegram cloud storage servers and as you remember, everything is free of charge!
Telegram won't be sold
It's actually their motto. And looking back to the story of Whatsapp and how it was sold to Facebook the claim of Telegram infuses us with hope. The platform developers state that Telegram is a non-profit project and it can't and won't be sold and bought. If you don't want your company data to get to any multinational corporation you should choose Telegram.
Growing number of Telegram users
Telegram has huge, no enormous amounts of users. According to Telegram user statistics, at the beginning of 2016, it had more than 100 million users from all over the globe. Every day they have 350,000 new users sign up. And more than 15 billion messages daily. What happens if one of your customers send his friends a sticker with your logo? How many people will get familiar with it? Telegram is a huge market that you can capture absolutely for free.
Telegram bots
A telegram bot is a huge, huge advantage which gives you multiple opportunities to promote your business, to automate and optimize various technical routine tasks and dramatically minimizing manual work. Telegram bot has a number of exclusive options, like teaching, searching on the Internet, reminders, integrates with other services, and passing commands to the Internet.
But that's not all! You can create your own bot even if you are not a programmer with the help of Telegram. You can make a chatbot which will communicate with your clients instead of you. This bot can manage customer support 24/7 without any supervision. And if you have already forgotten, I will remind you, IT IS FREE!!! If you are singing Telegram business, such a bot can process online orders and it doesn't care how many people it talks to simultaneously. Bots always remember what they were talking about with a customer, and knows all the preferences of a user. The bots implementation improves user experience making their interaction with the program fun and easy.
Discover how to create a chatbot and what advantages it brings to businesses
Although Telegram is a fantastic free tool for you and your business, there are some cases when it's use may bring more inconvenience than benefit.
When you shouldn't rely on Telegram
Trying to offer users better quality of service, we sometimes forget about the users themselves. And this is the first thing you need to do - to consider who your customers are and what will be the best for them, what your efforts they will appreciate. In some cases, it means that Telegram software won't be the best option. Here are such cases:

Cases when if is better to choose another tool
First. The target audience doesn't use it. Of course, it depends on the country you are going to use Telegram to advance your business in, however, most middle-aged people are still wary of new technologies and smartphones as well. If your business strategy presumes an adult audience that aren't big fans of Telegram chats, think twice before you implement Telegram into the service.
Second. In some spheres, security matters more than in any other. And the systems you work in should provide the highest level of data protection. Usually, there is a range of rules and guides that dictate the architecture of a program for such segments. For example, it concerns the medical sphere where HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is the main document which regulates the level of data security in custom medical software. How secure is telegram? Well, it is very secure. However, if you provide medical services and want to use any computer or smartphone system, it has to be HIPAA compliant.
As an example, you can check our application Doctoring, specifically developed to find, connect and message other UK doctors. The system provides easy, fast and secure communication and is HIPAA compliant. It doesn't mean that the level of security in Telegram is lower (maybe even vice versa), but it doesn't meet the requirement of HIPAA. So you need to develop an app or a web solution or to buy and existing HIPAA compliant system.
Want to know how we created a highly-secured application specifically for medical services in the UK? Then press here!
The same situation is in the banking sphere, where every banking establishment prefers to use their own secure software. Yet, we see how Telegram inculcates a money transfer feature and proves that it is totally safe.
The opportunities that Telegram offers for your business are numerous. You can use it to communicate with your customers or inside the company with your team. You can create a bot to help you process clients' requests and to maintain twenty-four-hour customer support. You can use all those fantastic features, which we have listed above for FREE (never tired of repeating it). Don't lose a chance to introduce your customer to an excellent service from your company, and you'll receive a hundredfold pleasure in return. Ask our managers how you can advance your business with a mobile or software solution and start your way up right now!
If you or your friend has a law firm, then you need to subscribe to our blog. Because our next article is about mobile solutions for this industry!
Yes. Here are a couple of reasons why you need a Telegram application for your business:
- It’s free. You can send a lot of messages, and it’ll cost you nothing. Moreover, text, image, video and audio formats are available here.
- It's a great advertising channel. Telegram business is no need to pay for advertising to inform customers of new goods in your shop. All you need to do is send one message to all your customers with one click and for free.
- Customer support 24/7. Users have all needed information saved in the message history. So they don’t need to call you once more if they forget something.
Telegram has reliable data security. They even offer $300,000 to any person who can break the system. Yet, no one has succeeded.
In short, Telegram generates money from donations provided by users all over the world. In the future, Telegram will build a paid native ad platform to help users promote their services and earn money.
Many companies use the Telegram platform to boost their business. There are some peculiarities of Telegram that stand it out from the other apps:
- Secret chats. It’s a chat based on end-to-end-encryption for highly-secure conversations.
- Chatbots. Telegram bot has many options, like teaching, searching on the Internet, integrating with other services, and passing commands to the Internet. Moreover, you can create your own bot, if you are not a programmer, with the help of Telegram.
- Cloud storage. Telegram saves all your messaging history on their Telegram cloud storage servers, so you don’t need to buy hardware to keep your information there.
You can create a Telegram account for your business using Telegram BotFather. Steps to do it:
- Create chat with BotFather
- Use the Bot command
- Done. You’ll get a token to connect your Telegram bot to a Messaging CRM.
Telegram is a messaging app. You can use it to send messages, share photos, videos, and files of any type. As well as create a group of users to sell your products or promote the service.

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics
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