How Can Technology Change Farming?
Updated 26 Aug 2023
11 Min
Today it is rather difficult to find something which is not affected by information technologies. And farming is not an exception to this rule. Moreover, a tablet, smartphone or laptop can be a farmers main tool since it can provide him with all necessary information. Yes, you cannot work properly without smart devices and agriculture software.
And in this article, we will explain how technologies can change farming and how this area will be developing over the next several years. Moreover, it seems that mobile app development services play a significant role in it. I bet the information below will be really interesting for you!
Smart farms - farming of the future
World's population continues to grow every single year. Therefore, the problem of nutrition is among the most urgent ones that humanity has to resolve. We have to find new ways to obtain more food and use our land plots more effectively. Old ways of increasing crop yield and livestock growth are not very efficient. According to experts, by 2050 the demand for food will have grown up to 70%! In other words, if the amount of food we grow remains unchanged, people might face such disasters as famine. To prevent such a state of affairs, it is necessary to apply the latest developments in the IT sphere - both technologies and appropriate apps for agriculture.
Farmer of the future - tablets and smartphones are his best friends
While robotic farmers still seem to become something in the distant future, human farmers keep on doing their job. And smart electronic devices assist them in it.
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Engineers create a network of sensors on fields and plantations that uninterruptedly gather data about humidity, temperature etc. The received information is processed and stored in a cloud. Then it is forwarded to it's final point in a user-friendly way - via a mobile farm tracking app, for example. In addition, the farmer can operate farm machinery remotely using this application. It makes it possible to control his or her field from any point.
- The user can see an electronic technological field map where the information from different sources is displayed. Comparing columns on smartphone/tablet, the farmer can see the dynamics of expenses per hectare at various periods.

Electronic field map
- Use of these technologies is necessary for understanding the dynamics of the crop yield growing.

Number of acres planted
- Satellite monitoring systems along with UAVs gather data 24 hours a day, so farmers always know the condition of their crops. Moreover, it allows the farmers to know how much money their crops will bring them.

Condition of crops
- Multipurpose data transfer protocol ISO 11783. New agricultural equipment maintains this protocol developed for farming. It provides compatibility with all farming equipment and it's interactions.
- Online stores make it possible for users to organize a stable sale of their products to the nearby cities.
Is it convenient? Probably, yes. But it will take time to integrate these technologies into all farms. Not all regions have the feasibility to apply them.
IT solutions in agribusiness
Modern farming requires skilled expert solutions for optimizing agribusiness. And in this case, optimization can be achieved only by smart technologies and new equipment. Many developed countries are integrating IT solutions into agribusiness. It can be not easy to find the best farm management software. Our company, however, has also a lot of experience in the development of multipurpose high-quality farming mobile apps.
Hardware area
In the hardware development area, demand for farming machinery efficiency increase is formed due to the installation of additional equipment onto combines, seeding machines, and tractor like GPS systems, as well as water management systems, and fuel accounting systems. Aside from the modification of existing machinery, landowners need totally new high-tech equipment including unmanned aerial vehicles, their own weather stations, sensors etc. So that is where hardware manufacturers and farmers may unite.
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Software area
The software area, in turn, can offer solutions like mobile apps for farmers that assist in the optimization and control of all agricultural production processes as well as control of all hardware. These solutions include fields accounting systems, machinery monitoring systems, electronic crops maps etc.

Cultivation statistics
Data supply
In addition to practical solutions in software and hardware, landowners also need access to quality information which allows predicting and managing climatic, financial and other risks. Today there is a growing demand for farm data management software and services for weather forecasts, plants diseases, and price formation analytics.
What solutions must you pay attention to?
It is important to consider the solutions that should be integrated by default. And farmers of the world follow all these alternatives in this field.
Geoinformation systems
Development and adaptation of geoinformation systems (GIS) is one of the most perspective areas for IT in farming. In our case, GIS is the system of gathering, storing, analyzing, and giving a visualization of geographical data on the fields and located objects. GIS allows users to create and manage cadastral maps and fields maps, as well as receive necessary analytics for making certain decisions etc. Apart from fields and crops monitoring, GIS makes it possible to control machinery and operations as well (machinery movement, fuel consumption, a number of fertilizers, for example). Besides, GIS functionality can be extended with the help of an additional services connection. This system today can be used even via Android or iPhone apps for farmers.
Agricultural audit
It assumes the creation of an electronic land parcel database and determination of their qualitative and quantitative parameters. Thus, agro-holdings can optimize the range of agricultural processes, and it simplifies document circulation related to the management of these land parcels.
Electronic maps of a field
One of the GIS key particularities is the ability to develop electronic field maps. These documents contain data on fields and crops' condition by some indices (area, crop rotation, soil composition etc.). Furthermore, they allow you to control the operations on each separate field, make technical crops monitoring, fertilizer and accounting of water use. At the same time, such maps stimulate substantial cost reduction for seed grain, fertilizer, fuel, water and other consumables due to the information about physical and chemical soil features. These maps are the basis of successful farming. As for the object's location, GPS farm mapping serves it's purpose in farming.
Information support
It means gathering and analyzing of the information necessary for a more rational usage of seed grain, water, fertilizer etc. Such information is obtained from various sources like satellite images, laboratory soil analyses, available databases, and registers. It allows drawing up analytical reports and crop yield forecasting.
The potential of two sectors - IT and agriculture - is really impressive. Starting from the development of the special software for farm management, to building information portals and apps that would provide landowners with required real-time data. If you are really interested in starting your own agribusiness, pay your attention to IT technologies to be ahead of your competitors!
Our expertise in the development of the apps for farmers
Our company is experienced in the farming area. We were lucky to participate in the development of several interesting agricultural apps for farmers and websites for various sectors of farming. And we will be glad to share our experience and knowledge with you.
Android app for agriculture
An Israeli farmer found Cleveroad while surfing the web and sent us a description for an app he would like to have. At that moment he was engaged in cultivating and harvesting of flowers and vegetables. After a while, he had a wonderful idea - why shouldn't he extend his agribusiness? He decided to plant some lemon trees to start with. The only problem was the extremely hot climate of Israel.
How we made the app for agriculture? Read Case Study: Our Innovative Solutions in Agriculture
To cultivate fruit trees easily and to not to decimate them, it was necessary to water them on a special schedule. Moreover, because there are many other automated mechanisms installed on the farm, the client wanted to optimize all this information and systematize it in one mobile app. There are many agricultural apps for Android to download but the farmer was not satisfied with them. He wanted something unique. Thus, we elaborated on his requirements and started working.
The final version of the Android application for agriculture could boast about several useful features like:
- calculation of fertilizers;
- statistics sending;
- remote facilities control;
- calendar;
- calculation of water consumption.

Calculation of water and fertilizers consumption
Due to the new app, our client simplified his job substantially and made it more well-organized. Now he can control all important processes on his farm related to agriculture. Android app is his best assistant.
Website for anglers
Do you like fishing? Some people cannot imagine their life without it. Our clients - a family from Great Britain - belong to such a category of people. They own ponds for fish breeding in the village of Amport, in England. And one day they decided to create a website to allow people to reserve a pond for fishing.
But this was only the tip of the iceberg. When we discussed all nuances, we concluded that this task won't be easy. We accepted the challenge and we proceeded to develop the website. website allows anglers to fish in comfort. It also provides them with fascinating features:
- Map of ponds. First, before you decide to go fishing, you may choose the pond you like. In addition, the site contains the information on the amount of fish caught for the last week or year. Moreover, it also displays information about where the best fish biting is today.

Ponds map on
- Reviews and profiles. Each user can create his or her own profile on the site. Then it is possible to add a review and rate the pond you visited so other users will be able to choose the pond according to the rating. At the same time, all this information allows the clients to gather statistics on each pond.
- Payment. We integrated a payment feature so users could pay with their bank cards directly via the website.
The development process took almost 1 year. Today is a very popular portal among anglers in England since many people go fishing in Amport all year round. Thus, this website has become one more challenge that we have overcome and you can get acquainted with our detailed Case Study: How to Promote Your Fishery Business.
Android app for cattle breeding
We did not ignore the cattle breeding sector as well. Due to our knowledge and skills, we succeeded in the development of another interesting application. In agriculture area, we developed something similar but it performed some other tasks.This product made it possible for the client to gather all data in one app and monitor the general condition of his or her cattle.
A farmer from d, Poland has been in farming for more than 12 years. And the more his herd grew, the more resources he had to spend on it. It became problematic for him to track the health of each cow, that is why he focused on modern technologies.
He provided cows with special sensors for gathering the necessary information but it was useless without necessary software. So we got an order and upon settlement of all organizational matters, we did our best to develop the perfect app.
The farming app for Android tablet implemented the following functions:
- Location detection. As all cows were provided with sensors, the client always had a real-time information regarding the location of each cow. It was possible due to a GPS system.

Cows location
- Daily statistics. For example, the farmer set up limits of average body temperatures of his cattle. If the body temperature of any cow increased this limit, the farmer received a notification. It meant that if a cow was getting sick, the farmer could help it as soon as possible. It saved him a lot of time and money. He receives all this statistics every hour.
We were involved in the app for cattle breeding development. See How We Developed The App for Cattle Breeding
The development of this app required 1.5 months. And we are ready to assist you with any app you need whether it be in the farming sector or any other area.
As farming is our main food source, our task is to make it more effective. Using various web and mobile apps in this sphere of the economy is the shortest way to increase the amount of milk, beef, and wool we can get. Our approach to the construction of Android apps for farmers combines both a clear understanding of a farm business and excellent skills in the IT sphere. Realization of the nature of things is the cornerstone of our activity, that is why our final product has many advantages over similar apps. To summarize all the above, IT changes the face of farming. Our mission is to maintain this progressive process at the highest level of quality. Do not hesitate to contact us anytime!

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics
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2 commentsHi, Thanks for sharing valuable and more informative blog. your agriculture software blog is really good and provide more information. your agriculture software and apps blog is more helpful for me. I hope you will share more blog. Nowadays agriculture software development is trending factor in IT Field.
With the rapid growth of the population on Earth, enhancing the agricultural process is an integral component of our survival. Drones, the Internet of things, artificial intelligence, sensors, and other tech are the possible ways to increase the efficiency of farming without further land expansion.