Uber for Babysitters: How to Get the Most of Nanny App and Monetize It

Updated 25 May 2023

13 Min




Do parents always feel calm for their child? When parents go to work, they take kids to kindergarten. It is a better option than leaving them at home alone, but, unfortunately, kids are prone to various childhood diseases. And kindergarten is the best place for infection to be spread around. So, it leads to sick kid staying at home. How can parents deal with it? Find a nanny, of course.

Ads in newspapers to find babysitters already become a history by now. It is the age of babysitting apps. And it can be a good idea for your startup. In this article, we will show you why babysitting app is good and how to arrange app development service.

Why can babysitter app be advantageous for your business?

People call a taxi when they need to get somewhere, right? Or when somebody wants to visit a restaurant, he or she just calls or makes a reservation online. Today everything can be done on the Internet, and you don't need to leave your home. So why not to hire a babysitter for child online?

Nowadays, people are trying to work more to make all their dreams come true. And parents need to come up with it. Who will stay with their child? A babysitter is the answer.

nanny apps for iphone

Babysitting app sample

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Today many apps and websites for hiring babysitters are available for everyone. And it is much more convenient than old-fashioned agencies. Why? Let's check it out.

Advantages babysitting app has

  • Not without reason, such apps are called Uber for babysitters as well. Using such app, users can find a nanny for their kids anytime, whether it be nighttime or daytime. They can pay for babysitter's services online using integrated in-app payment form.
  • Parents can create requests and launch the search, and this request can be confirmed by any available babysitter that lives somewhere nearby.
  • Parents can discuss all nuances in chat or by the phone call and agree on everything immediately.
  • It is possible to read reviews and recommendations about each nanny in babysitter app like Uber. Also, there is a rating system where parents can the top rating of a babysitter.
  • All serious babysitting apps require ID documents from all newly registered babysitters to make sure in their decency.

So, a nanny application provides both parents and babysitters with new opportunities and it simplifies their life very much. Parents can find a nanny for one hour if they plan to go to the cinema, or for the whole day if they go to work. Everything depends on personal needs.

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So why babysitting app?

Let's imagine that young family has just moved to a new district and they don't know anybody here. They need time to get familiar with neighbors, and they need to understand whether they can entrust to these neighbors. So what should parents do when they have no one to leave children with? That is where babysitting app comes to rescue. They need to find a babysitter app that will meet their needs. And it is up to you to hire dedicated team that will build your own Uber for babysitters from scratch.

Moreover, today it can be rather difficult to work keeping up to a strict schedule only, from 9:00 till 18:00, for example. People are staying behind at their office longer than they can plan. Thus, the nanny will stay with the child until parents are back. Besides that, kindergartens are not day-and-night enterprises, so a babysitter is an option.

Based on all above, you can see that babysitting app can offer a lot of advantages, and your new app can gain the lead provided that it will be developed considering all necessary tips from software development company. And now let's look through already popular available solutions on the market to understand the way they succeeded and determine the model how to start a babysitting service.

Solutions available on the market

Some of the best babysitting apps became leaders today. Check them out!


It is the U.S.-based company that created the app for babysitters search and hiring. The nanny app was founded in 2010 and it is gaining popularity very quickly. Today it is available across many states in the USA, available in more than 60 cities for today.

It is worth noting that the app available in the USA only, it numbers more than 150,000 caregivers at the moment. Also, the company can offer you a website that you can use instead of the app, and iOS/Android apps as well.

uber nanny

UrbanSitter app


The US-based project that represents a private community or social networks for searching and hiring babysitters and nannies. It allows users to create the network of his favorite sitters, chat with them and send a request when necessary. It is available for use across almost all states. The project was founded in 2015. The babysitter application is free for download on Android and iOS.

find a nanny app

Bambino app


UK-based app for babysitters and parents founded in 2015 by two friends. Interesting that they were both not newcomers in the Internet business. They have created such projects like Betfair and MarketInvoice before. Bubble numbers about 30,000 of users in Great Britain. The app uses social data obtained from Facebook and schools to help parents find trusted sitters that already helped friends or neighbors. Android and iOS versions are at your disposal.

app babysitter

Bubble app

MVP features you need for this app

Well, when we have listed top babysitting apps, it is the time to speak about main features of your future babysitting app. Despite the fact such app may seem not very complicated, it contains rather many basic features. So we will show you them all to give you the understanding of how your babysitting app should look.

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ID verification

This feature will be necessary since everybody wants to know that their child in safe hands of the babysitter. How can you be sure in it? First, the babysitters should provide their personal documents to confirm the responsibility they take and that they don't have any malicious intent. So, ID verification will increase the trust between parents and babysitters, that is why you need this feature when you create a babysitter app.

Social sign-in

A registration process usually can take more time than people are ready to spend. Based on this, the majority of services provide users with the capability to sign in using social media like Facebook or LinkedIn. You'd better add these two social networks since they usually contain a lot of information about the user.

Multi-language support

Even if you create an app for using it only in your country, you should consider that people of different nationalities can live there. So, add more languages to draw more interested users.


Using chat form, parents will be able to chat with babysitters and nannies to discuss all details. Also, this chat can be used to speak with the babysitter when he or she is already on duty. They can ask parents about something, clarify some nuances and so on. This feature is required both for babysitting apps for iPhone and Android.

babysitter uber

Chatting with babysitter

Video call

In fact, it is the same feature as a chat, but it allows parents or babysitter to make a video chat and discuss everything in a real-time mode. It is very convenient especially in the case of emergency.

Push notification

Add push notifications to on-demand babysitting app to notify babysitters about the end of their work, new requests, messages, comments and so on. Parents can also be notified of the end time of a babysitting work to pay the babysitter or extend the time if you need it.

babysitter application template

Push notification for your babysitting app


Returning to the safety issue, it would be more convenient if parents will be able to locate babysitters to make sure that they are at specific dwelling and they didn't leave it. Also, this feature will help parents find babysitter nearby them. What can be better?


This feature makes it possible to book a specific babysitter and approve that this nanny will take care of a child. Such babysitter finder app cannot exist without this feature.

In-app payment

Cash-free payment is popular for many years due to it's convenience. Thus, this feature will make it possible for parents to pay to babysitters for their work upon completion with the help of money transfer online. Easy and quick way.

nanny apps for android

In-app payment to nanny


It can be displayed in the form of the bar where you just enter all searching data you need. Or, if you already know who you need, just input the name of the babysitter for quick search.

Category filters

The feature that enhances the searching process. Here you can apply advanced search and find the babysitter by age, experience or nationality. Also, advanced search in a babysit app will make it possible for you to find available babysitters only at the moment.

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Good babysitters must have good appraisals. And, hence, their relevance is growing, as well as fee rates. So, the rating of each babysitter will help parents find a good specialist who knows what their child may need.

Rating system

Rating of babysitter

Reviews and recommendations

Apart from rating, it is always interesting to know what people think about a nanny, how good she is and so on. So recommendations other people leave can be more than useful for young parents to help them make a choice.

Start time - end time

And the last MVP feature in babysitting app like Uber is some kind of a timer that should be activated when babysitters start working, and then switched off upon work completion. It is more convenient to track the time both for parents and for nannies.

Time tracking

Tracking the working time of babysitter

Admin panel

It is not a feature, but this panel should be available for you so you could customize your app using your admin rights or fix something if necessary.

How to get your profit with babysitting app

Now then, you know what features your babysitting apps for nannies and parents should have undoubtedly. And it will require some expenses from you. But what about your own profit? If you create a free app, you should think about it. It is possible to earn money on babysitting app, adjust monetization and gain some pennies. We recommend you study this issue to choose the way is preferable to you. In addition, we have a more detailed guide to the right app monetization.


The most popular way of monetization. You can post some 3rd-party advertisement and get money for it. But you should remember that it shouldn't be full of obtrusive ads since it can make user shut this app and find something else. So don't overload the app with the advertisement, find a golden mean.

Get your interest

As you created a babysitting Uber app and people use it, it will absolutely be reasonable if you get your interest from each payment. That is, for example, 2-3% of each payment can be yours by default. Thus, the more users your app has, the larger profit you will be able to gain.

Premium version

As your app will be available for free, you can also offer a premium version of the app, where an ad will be absent and people will get some additional features. For example, advanced search with filters may be available only in the premium version. Whereas freemium version will offer limited features only.


Make people an offer they cannot refuse. For instance, the babysitter can pay for getting to search top. When parents will be searching for a nanny, it is most likely that the babysitters on the top of the list will be made an offer first. And it leads to the profit for you, and to the profit for them. Bingo!

App monetization

Ways to monetize your Uber for babysitters

Summing up, let's draw some conclusions. When you found out how to start your own babysitting service, you see that it can be really interesting and profitable solution, especially if it will be used in the large city where the problem of a good babysitter for a child is always acute. The main thing you need to follow is a competent promotion.

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Using app stores like Google Play and Apple App Store, you can start Android and iOS app promotion. But if you haven't faced such problem before, then our marketing specialists will share some useful tips with you. Apart from it, our developers will be able to create your babysitting app on a turnkey basis. Programmers at Cleveroad are highly experienced to make a high-tech app according to your requirements.

So just drop us a line and we will do the rest. Mind to subscribe to our blog as well not to miss interesting articles.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of a babysitter app?
  • Using such apps, users can find a nanny for their kids anytime, whether it be nighttime or daytime. They can pay for babysitter's services online using an integrated in-app payment form.
  • Parents can create requests and launch the search, and this request can be confirmed by any available babysitter that lives somewhere nearby.
  • Parents can discuss all nuances in chat or by the phone call and agree on everything immediately.
  • It is possible to read reviews and recommendations about each nanny in a babysitter app like Uber. Also, there is a rating system where parents can get the top rating of a babysitter.
  • All serious babysitting apps require ID documents from all newly registered babysitters to make sure in their decency.
What are the most popular babysitter apps on the market?

Here’s the list of top players on the babysitter app market:

  • UrbanSitter
  • Bambino
  • Bubble
What are the features for a babysitter app?

Here are the basic features for a babysitter app:

  • ID verification
  • Social sign-in
  • Multi-language support
  • Chat
  • Video call
  • Push notification
  • Geolocation
  • Booking
  • In-app payment
  • Search
  • Rating
What monetization strategies for a babysitter app exist?

Here are the revenue models for a babysitter app:

  • Advertisement
  • Get your interest
  • Premium version
  • Bonuses
Why should babysitter apps have an ID verification feature?

This feature is necessary since everybody wants to know that their child is in the safe hands of the babysitter. How can you be sure in it? First, the babysitters should provide their personal documents to confirm the responsibility they take and that they don't have any malicious intent. So, ID verification will increase the trust between parents and babysitters, that is why you need this feature when you create a babysitter app.

Why should I develop a babysitter app?

Babysitter apps offer a ton of benefits to both nannies and busy parents. While parents don’t have to worry about hiring a professional babysitter, nannies can always find a job for themselves in no time. Being a mediator between these parties can be a profitable venture.

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About author

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics

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